Princess Banu
Turkish belly dancer Princess Banu is one of the great legends of oriental dance. Princess Banu was born in Izmir, Turkey. She fell in love with dance, music and cinema at an early age. Later on Banu moved to Istanbul, the capital of the Turkish entertainment world. Turkish dancer Kudret Sandra, (he was one of the best teachers in the history of Turkish belly dance) was the first teacher of Princess Banu like many famous names. Afterwards she also studied Raqs Sharqi in Cairowith Egyptian great master teacher Ibrahem Akef. She started her dance career at a very young age at the night club of the Istanbul Hilton Hotel.After a very short period of time, Banu moved to Italy and began her international careerand then she performed all over the world.She was married to an Arab Prince, hence she took the title “Princess”.The marriage didn’t last long and it doesn’t have a very happy ending.She divorced him and returned to Turkey. Princess Banu reached the top of her career, when she began dancing at MAXIM, most famous and most elegant music – hall of Istanbul at the time. Princess Banu also acted in Turkish movies, as a main star. She has danced as a representative of Turkey in many performances abroad.Therefore, the Turkish Ministry of Culture proclaimed Princess Banu as “The National Dancer of Turkey”. She has danced in the presence of kings, presidents of different countries, such as Berlusconi, Sheikh El Maktoum, Sheikh Zayed, Hosni Mubarak, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, King Hussein, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Al Khalifa…Due her popularity many Television show’s and documentary has been made of Princess Banuamongst them have been National Geographic Channel. In the belly dance world Princess Banu has been accepted as a legend amongst stars and Princess Banuremains the phenomenal belly dancer of all times. Princess Banu never lost her glamour and when she’s on the scene, she looks forever young. She’s also a great belly dance teacher, choreographer and exclusive designer of belly dance costumes. Princess Banu is still performing and teaching all over the world. She’s living in Istanbul, Turkey.

Turkish belly dancer Princess Banu is one of the great legends of oriental dance. Princess Banu was born in Izmir, Turkey. She fell in love with dance, music and cinema at an early age. Later on Banu moved to Istanbul, the capital of the Turkish entertainment world. Turkish dancer Kudret Sandra, (he was one of the best teachers in the history of Turkish belly dance) was the first teacher of Princess Banu like many famous names. Afterwards she also studied Raqs Sharqi in Cairowith Egyptian great master teacher Ibrahem Akef. She started her dance career at a very young age at the night club of the Istanbul Hilton Hotel.After a very short period of time, Banu moved to Italy and began her international careerand then she performed all over the world.She was married to an Arab Prince, hence she took the title “Princess”.The marriage didn’t last long and it doesn’t have a very happy ending.She divorced him and returned to Turkey. Princess Banu reached the top of her career, when she began dancing at MAXIM, most famous and most elegant music – hall of Istanbul at the time. Princess Banu also acted in Turkish movies, as a main star. She has danced as a representative of Turkey in many performances abroad.Therefore, the Turkish Ministry of Culture proclaimed Princess Banu as “The National Dancer of Turkey”. She has danced in the presence of kings, presidents of different countries, such as Berlusconi, Sheikh El Maktoum, Sheikh Zayed, Hosni Mubarak, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, King Hussein, Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Al Khalifa…Due her popularity many Television show’s and documentary has been made of Princess Banuamongst them have been National Geographic Channel. In the belly dance world Princess Banu has been accepted as a legend amongst stars and Princess Banuremains the phenomenal belly dancer of all times. Princess Banu never lost her glamour and when she’s on the scene, she looks forever young. She’s also a great belly dance teacher, choreographer and exclusive designer of belly dance costumes. Princess Banu is still performing and teaching all over the world. She’s living in Istanbul, Turkey.
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